Sibling Support Groups
December 11, 2020
Solving Autism is proud to announce that we will be offering Sibling Educational Workshops beginning in January of 2021. I have been in the field of special education for over 30 years, and I have never seen anyone offer a group for the siblings of children on the autism spectrum. It is so important to not forget the impact that growing up with a sibling with special needs has on a child. The child with special needs has all of these people working with them, and often get their parents undivided attention. This often leaves the sibling feeling lonely and left out. I have seen first-hand over my 3 decades in the field, the impact this can have on the neurotypical child.
They need to learn how to relate to and how to connect to their siblings. We strive to offer an outlet and a place to vent and to feel safe. Please watch our website for more announcements about these exciting new groups.
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